About Rainsville
Rainsville is a small town located in the Northeast corner of Alabama with a population of 4,499 as of the 2000 census. It is centrally located in an area of rapid growth. In a radius of 75 miles, there is a population of approximately one million people.
The census information shows a steady growth in this area. With growth comes a need for community facilities for the people moving into the area as well as the people who already live there. The Agri-Business Center Board of Directors has looked at their community and the surrounding areas, and realizes there is a need for additional entertainment, especially for the young people. Because of this need, the vision for a state-of-the art Agri-Business Center started. This is also why the board added so many things to this one project. Their goal is to be diversified to the point that the facility will serve everyone in the area. It is obvious from their plans that they are meeting this goal.
The proposed Agri-Business Center is a state of the arts facility which will serve the City of Rainsville, Dekalb County, the seven surrounding counties, and eventually the tri-state area of Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. The site consists of a 43.5 acre tract which is adjacent to a city owned recreational complex. Access to the Agri-Business Center is directly off Highway 75, which is the major North-South highway in the area.